Examples of real world functions

Examples of real world functions

by Tony deLaubenfels -
Number of replies: 21

Post your example of a real world function here--from Exercise 1.8.

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Examples of real world functions

by Andrew Hanson -

A piece of art is a function of the strokes of the painter's brush.  

In the same way that a mathematical function has one output for every input, a given brushstroke in a piece of art has only one output.  

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Examples of real world functions

by Georgia Gump -

When shopping, the amount of t-shirts you can purchase is directly influenced by how much money you have. In this case, the input would be a certain amount of money and the output would be a specific number of t-shirts. 

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Examples of real world functions

by Lizz Chapman -
The amount of rainfall per year is a function of the a rivers water levels; the more rainfall the higher the levels, the less rainfall the lower the levels. Here, the amount of rainfall would be the input and the rivers water level would be in the output. 
In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Examples of real world functions

by Cheyenne Minot -

A runner, the more the runner exerts themselves the faster they will run.

Input: Exertion

Output: Running faster


In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Examples of real world functions

by Oliver Vale -

an example of a real world function would driving faster to reach your destination sooner. the faster you drive the quicker you reach your destination 

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Examples of real world functions

by Cassie Gill -

A tree or plant's growth over time.

Input: Time

Output: Tree or Plant height 

There's only 1 output of height for each instance of time, even if the plant wilts or gets chopped down.

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Examples of real world functions

by Eliza Thompson -

An example would be words and pages of a book. The more words there are, the more pages there will be. 

In reply to Eliza Thompson

Re: Examples of real world functions

by Isis Collier -

An example of an everyday "real life" function would be that depending on the weather makes a person decide what type of clothing and the amount of clothing they will wear. For example, if it is hot outside you wear less clothing; like a t-shirt and shorts. However, if it is cold, you will wear more clothing like jeans, long sleeve shirt, leggings, and a coat or even more. 

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Examples of real world functions

by Mickey Hines -
Practicing lines for a play: The more you practice the more lines you will know for the play.

Input: Practice 

Output: More lines known

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Examples of real world functions

by Matthew McDermott -

An example of a real life function would be studying preparing for a test. 

For example if you study more you will be more likely to do well, but study less and you many not do quite as well. 

Input would be study time. 

Output would be test results/grade. 

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Examples of real world functions

by Miranda Donnellan -

The more time spent as a painter, the more paintings created. F(t) where the function is number of paintings painted and t is time.

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Examples of real world functions

by Sway Reyes -

An example of a real life function would be curling weights to achieve bigger biceps. The more times you curl a dumbbell, the more stress you put on your biceps thus causing them to grow.

input: curl dumbbells 

output: increase in size of the bicep muscle

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Examples of real world functions

by Leena Kaye -

Example of real world function: climbing a mountain.

The higher an individual ascends a mountain, the less oxygen in the atmosphere. Therefore, the more difficult it is for them to breathe. 

Input: increase in altitude 

Output: increase in difficulty breathing 

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Examples of real world functions

by Matt Stivland -
An example of a real-world function could be a car coming to a stop. The more momentum, the more space the driver would need in order to slow.
In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Examples of real world functions

by Kurt Blankenheim -

One example from a sports related view is basketball. The input of basketball player with the amount of time spent practicing shooting free throws. The output becomes a higher percentage of shots made. The player practices more therefore he performs better because he put in more time. 

In reply to Kurt Blankenheim

Re: Examples of real world functions

by Caitlin McVay -

One example of a real world function is the amount of hours one works. The input of hours an individual works directly influences the output of income the individual makes. The more hours worked, the more money made. 

In reply to Kurt Blankenheim

Re: Examples of real world functions

by Colton Clark -

An example of a real world function could be  the amount of gas you put in your car and how far you can then drive after. (depending on the cars gas mileage) 

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Examples of real world functions

by Rachel Wood -
An everyday function could be the relationship between the amount of food one consumes in relation to the health/size of their body.
In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Examples of real world functions

by Jessica Matthews -

when going to the movie and you buy one ticket to the movie which cost $10 and then i wanted to buy a soda and they cost $2 but could not decide how many I wanted and that will increase the price the more bottles of sodas I buy.

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Examples of real world functions

by Marcelo Tanon -

A real world function would be a vending machine. Where you input money and the output is the specific snack you chose.

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Examples of real world functions

by Owen Sherman -
A real world example would be a car. You input gas and the output you get is the car moving.