Section Name Description
File CSC4-151 Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science syllabus
Page Grading info
Page Absence policy

Absence policy

Week 1 Page Sections covered in "Week 1"

Sections covered in "Week 1"

Page Homework for Tuesday, November 26

Homework for Tuesday, November 26

Page Homework for Wednesday, November 27

Homework for Wednesday, November 27

Page Section 1.5 Homework

Section 1.5 Homework

Page Section 1.6 Homework

Section 1.6 Homework

Page Reading assignment for Monday

Happy Thanksgiving

URL Irrational fear of water?
File Quiz 1 solution
Page Sections covered in second part of "Week 1"

Sections covered in second part of "Week 1"

Page Key implication

One week into our course, here is a key if...then statement

Page A few problems from 1.7

A few problems from 1.7

Page Section 2.1 and 2.2 homework

Section 2.1 and 2.2 homework

Page 2.3 homework

2.3 homework

Page 2.4 homework

2.4 homework

File Quiz 2 solution
File Quiz 3 solution
URL American Scientist article about little Gauss

It is long--just take a look

Page 2.5 reading and homework

2.5 reading and homework

Page Section 3.1 homework

Section 3.1 homework

Page Section 3.2 homework

Section 3.2 homework

Page Exam 1 guidelines

Exam 1 guidelines

File Sample Exam 1
URL The Imatation Game trailer

The Imatation Game trailer

URL About Turing

Recommended reading

URL Truly terrible P = NP movie

If you watch the trailer, you will know all you need to know about this movie

Week 2 Page Sections covered during "Week 2"

Sections covered during "Week 2"

Page Section 4.1 and 4.2 homework

Section 4.1 and 4.2 homework

Page Section 4.3 homework

Section 4.3 homework

URL Read about the $150,000 prize for a 100 million digit prime

Read about the $150,000 prize for a 100 million digit prime

Page Section 4.4 reading and homework

Section 4.4 reading and homework

Page Section 4.5 homework

Section 4.5 homework

Page Section 4.6 homework

Section 4.6 homework

File Quiz 4 solutions
File Handy, dandy utility
Matthew Ewer has written a utility to convert text to numbers and numbers to text according to the mapping given on this assignment. It is an executable file attached here. Use it if you like.
File Sample Exam 2
Page Exam 2 study outline

Exam 2 study outline

Page Section 5.1 homework

Very important homework

Page Section 5.2 reading and homework

Section 5.2 reading and homework

URL Recommended reading: NYT article on PKE

Seriously, read it.

File Quiz 5 solutions
Page Where to exchange secret keys

 Where to exchange secret keys

Page Reading and homework on recursion

Reading and homework on recursion

Week 3 Page Week 3 schedule

Week 3 schedule

Page Section 6.1- 6.3 homework

Section 6.1- 6.3 homework

URL Discrete math in today's news

Discrete math in today's news

URL Here is that link about common PINs
Page Sections 6.4 and 7.1 homework
Sections 6.4 and 7.1 homework
Page Section 9.1 homework

Section 9.1 homework

Page Sections 9.3-9.5 homework

Sections 9.3-9.5 homework

Page Graph theory reading and homework

Graph theory reading and homework

URL Koningsberg Bridge Problem

Yes, I changed the 7 bridges problem into the 5 bridges problem

URL Movie trailer TSP movie

Click on the Math tab

Page Final Exam outline

Here are the topics covered on the final exam

File Sample questions from old discrete finals

There are no Prim or Kruskal's Algorithms on our final exam

URL Thanks to Dorothy for this great xkcd TSP comic

Check out the warning at the bottom, too.

File Quiz 6 solutions
File Quiz 7 solutions