Daily Reflection 3

Daily Reflection 3

by Chandler Bowling -
Number of replies: 0

             The most useful tool thus far has definitely been the W3schools activities and the in class exercises. To be frank, I am not getting as much out of the videos as I expected. I feel like the way she is explaining it is too complex to grasp with such little prior knowledge to computer science. Anyway, back to the W3school exercises; I love how “step-by-step” the learning is. The tutorials aver very simple and the exercises that follow are what helps me retain the information. The in class exercise we did today was very helpful. Although it was very hard to keep up with your pace, I still feel like I learned a lot today and improved my coding abilities greatly. I actually enjoy coding and learning the ropes, I’m excited for what I could use these abilities for in the future.

Takeaway thoughts from today:

  • The Emacs text editor is EXTREMELY sensitive so be sure you take it one line at a time.

  • If you get stuck and you don’t know what’s causing the issue then have someone else look at it because you might be looking right passed it without knowing.

  • Repetition is key!

  • Learning how to sort quickly and knowing a variety of commands can help you analyze data much faster and more efficiently.