Philip Greenspun

Philip Greenspun

by Wentao Xie -
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Greenspun was one of the early developers of database-backed Website. He was born on September 28, 1963 and grew up in Maryland. He received a Science Bachelor’s degree in MIT and he has worked for Hewlett Packard Research Lab in Palo Alto and Symbolics for years and then he found ICAD, a knowledge-based engineering system. Then he returns to MIT to study electronical engineering and computer science and received a Ph.D.

For relating the topic that we are learning in this course, he wrote a textbook for SQL, SQL for Web Nerds. He had a complete tutorial about how to use SQL in the book. He had taught about this and RDBMS in MIT in 2011 and 2012. This would be a great help for me to further my database study. 

One thing other than computer science in his homepage that interested me is that his non-profit work. After he had earned $50 million dollar, he decided to contribute to the voluntary work, he had donated money to many technology and education related foundation and the most famous one might be a website that we all know, Wikipedia. But then, he found that doing all these non-profit works might not be the answer to his life, and the answer that he found after that is education. What he did is voluntary education, he believes that education should not be a business.