Philip Greenspun

Philip Greenspun

by Chandler Bowling -
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             Philip Greenspun is a computer scientist. He has a blog hosted by Harvard Law School, that deals with many topics. He knows a lot about aviation and he has many articles that educate about flying. Greenspun really seems to know everything about planes and helicopters. I went in depth to check out a few of these articles and they are very detailed.  Greenspun has a background in photography as well; I bet aviation and photography work well together as hobbies. From his interest in photography he founded his own company called He then sold this company for $6 million after building up over half a million users. Now on to the relevant accomplishments for our class; Greenspun is known for his tenth rule of programming. He released his software that ran his company which is a part of Oracle. He began another company that helped to grow ArsDigita to $20 million. Greenspun also had his fair share in helping amazon with his help of the database-blacked web sites. I could go on and on about the accomplishments of Philip Greenspun. To sum it all up, he was very passionate about anything that he did and he was a man of many trades.