Model solutions to Quiz 4 part 1

Model solutions to Quiz 4 part 1

by Tony deLaubenfels -
Number of replies: 5

Include question and reference

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Model solutions to Quiz 4 part 1

by Brian Hixson-Simeral -

Question 1.

Extra, bundle of additional info


Type, generally inferred from data

Data/Object to be passed

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Model solutions to Quiz 4 part 1

by Hwi Ram Jeong -

Q2)In general, you need a permission to write or read from external storage.\

permissions tell Android that you want to do something that Android wants you to ask permission for

Android expects you to ask permission because it wants to enforce some accountability

it tells the users what you are doing when they download apps


In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Model solutions to Quiz 4 part 1

by Eric Andow -

2. There are two distinct approaches to hosting Fragments. What are they and how are they different?

Socrates: You can host your fragments in code. This allows you to remodel or swap them on the fly, if anyone should challenge your beliefs. 

Agamemnon: We must hold fast to that which we are promised to. Therefore, host your fragments in the layout XML. This any person may do with ease, though it will afterwards be unchangeable.

p. 134

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Model solutions to Quiz 4 part 1

by Joe Sterchele -

True or false? When an activity that hosts a fragment is terminated, the hosted fragment also terminates.

False, onRetain() can keep a fragment alive 

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Model solutions to Quiz 4 part 1

by Dawit Tsigie -

4. How are permissions declared ?

We declare it in the Android manifest using <uses-permissions> tag