Write a SQL script that:

  • creates a table that contains names of friends and the kind of food that they most prefer (e.g., American, Chinese, Indian, Italian, Mexican, seafood)
  • creates a table that contains names of restaurant,  the kind of food for which they are best known, and their locations (e.g., Cedar Rapids, Coralville, Iowa City, Marion)
  • uses JOIN in a SELECT statement to create a table that tells us where we might take each of our friends for dinner. Each row will have the name of a friend, the name of a restaurant, and possibly other information. The name of a friend might appear in more than one row of the result of this SELECT.
Work together. Ask your instructor or one another for help. Refer to other SQL programs that we have shared if that is helpful. Search on the Internet for answers to your questions if that is helpful. This is part of this week's graded exercise. Everyone must earn a 100% on this part of the exercise!

Last modified: Thursday, November 4, 2021, 8:39 AM