The final project will be a substantial portion of your course grade--50 points.

You may work in teams of 2, 3, or 4.

Final project presentations will be Wednesday morning September 23 in our Law 309 classrrom with final submission by  5 p.m. Wednesday.

Consider developing an app for a client. Consider learning a feature or android we didn't get a chance to cover in our course.

Since you will be working as a team, you may want to consider using GitHub. Projects may be submitted/archived on GitHub.

Your project should be fully documented with comments and javadocs. Presentations will likely be run through your javadoc web pages.

Projects should not be too ambitious, but should be highly personal/not generic. Think "cute", "fun", "handy", rather than "impressive" or "massive". Getting started on a project that you may expand after this course is a GREAT idea. You will join classmates in teams (of 2, 3, or 4). Post your topic and team by Friday (I have provided a moodle forum). Presentations will be Wednesday morning and the final code will be due by the end of the day Wednesday. Projects will require substantial commenting and javadoc will be used as documentation and presentation tools. 

Your presentation will be primarily demo-ing your app using the emulator. You will want to show us some distinctive feature of the code, and this is best handled through your generated javadoc. If you want to make slides that include screen shots, that is OK, too. In the past, students have loaded their app on a tablet and passed it around as they present; this worked well but is not at all required.

We will complete presentation Wednesday morning, so set aside 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Teams of 2 should try for a 10 minute presentation. Teams of 3, 12 minutes. Teams of 4, 14 minutes.

Tips: It is not a bad idea to get your app running on our classroom machine well in advance of your preparation. If you will be using your own laptop, be sure you practice plugging it in and getting it running in our classroom, well in advance of Wednesday morning.

Generate an apk and submit that together with the web page from your javadoc. If you have a presentation, you can zip it up and submit it as well. One submission per group, but be sure all team members names are easy to see/find.

Last modified: Monday, September 21, 2015, 3:06 PM