Q. How many sets in a match?

A. Best of 3 is most common, so it is fine for your app to assume that. 

Q. Do I have to input players names?

A. No, Player1 and Player2 or the like is fine. See below for customization.

Q. Do I have to retain the score if I turn the device sideways.

A. Yes. If your app doesn't do this it would lose a point or two.

Q. Do I have to handle tie-breaks at 6-all? 

A. Yes. If your app doesn't do this it would lose a point or two.

Q. Any special format requirements for you project log

A. No. Recall that I recommended you produce a to-do list in your log and then update it when you complete that part of the project. This approach is one small part of agile programming. Before you submit your log, you might want to write up a paragraph describing some features of your app. It should be easy to determine the total amount of time you spent on this project from looking at your log.

Recall that you will have to submit the current version of your project log on short notice. Be sure to store it where it is accessible--and maintain it as you go.

In addition to the 3 additonal features listed in the assignment page, here are some more that we have discussed or you have proposed and are acceptable:

1. Internationalize

2. Help page

3. Add customization. If you would both allow input of player's names and allow number of sets to be specified (Best of 3 or Best of 5) that would be an additonal feature.

4. Undo (last entry was wrong, allows point to be replayed or corrected).

Last modified: Monday, September 14, 2015, 2:14 PM